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I want to socialize but I can't seem to.

I didn't even really give it much thought for the last two or three months. My psychiatrist brought up spending time in social settings. Now it's bugging me because I'm thinking about it again. It's not exactly a newsflash that I'm not terribly fond of socializing. Well... yes and no.  As I often like to say, "I hate people but I love persons."  I have a difficult time in large social settings with lots of people. Too much stimulation. It gets me tired very quickly. On the other hand, I enjoy conversing one-on-one with another person. Listening to someone's thoughts and feelings offers something more substantive. There's closeness being built in those moments. I like being able to give someone my full attention and receive that in return. Right now I just feel... burnt out. There may be a few reasons for that. I had to ration my meds for the last couple of days and my birthday is coming up, which inevitably makes me restless about my station i
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